Expand your knowledge
Gain new insights into the latest research regarding exercise science
Improve your coaching skills
Learn how to integrate a systematic and bulletproof approach into your own coaching strategies
Get certified
Enjoy the benefits of holding a personal training certificate awarded by a recognized education provider
Program Design & Periodization
Learn how to set up the ideal workout session, program and macrocycle.
We will hand you the tools to periodize programs that make sense and will give your clients their desired results. This will be followed by a day full of exercise execution tips & tricks.
Applicable to both beginners, intermediate and more advanced clients.
Nutrition Coaching & Strategies
Learn the basics of nutrition and how to coach clients to their desired results.
We will hand you the tools to help your clients achieve their desired physique and how to maintain these results.
Applicable for fat loss, hypertrophy and all-round health goals.
Biomechanics Practical Training Camp
We’ll start off with anatomy and muscle fiber orientations.
Followed by a deep dive into resistance profiles, strength curves and practically applied straight into exercise selection & exercise execution.
Coaching the Average PT-Client
Learn our approach towards coaching the general population.
We will hand you the tools to write training programs and help you in giving nutritional advice.
We will give you the knowledge on how the body works, how to assess your clients for weaknesses and imbalances and much more.